Monday, October 1, 2012

General Conference Packets (for Kids AND Grown-Ups!)

I love the Church's general conference notebook for kids, in fact I have several of my own all marked up (and colored...) You can find and print their notebook here. And check out some of those "Conference Squares" and "Conference Coloring" pages too. They're some of my favorite parts of Conference!

But, this year I decided to mature just a LITTLE bit and I made a more grown-up geared Conference notebook! (Don't worry I still included a couple of those fun pages too!) The cover looks like this:

You can fill in your name and date and then get to work coloring that picture! I find coloring a very soothing and totally appropriate activity while listening to Conference!

Then there's a page where you can jot down some things you want to focus on this conference. Topics you're curious about, questions you want answers to, whatever floats your boat.

Next is a page where you can record all the new stuff that gets announced at Conference! There's a spot for Callings, Releases, Temples and Other cool new information!

Then it's on to the speakers' pages. I made one for each member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. It includes their picture, name and a spot where you can write in what you think the title of the talk will be. I think it's cool to compare what you write to what the official title of the talk is when it comes out. 
Then there's a lot of empty space for you to take notes or draw diagrams or make a chart or whatever you're inspired to write! At the bottom, there's a little box for writing the scripture references they used and another one for writing the things that really stuck out to you. Under those is a spot for you to write "The Main Idea" of the talk - a short phrase that sums it all up. 

There's also a page where you can fill in the name of the speaker and their calling for all the other Authorities that will speak. I usually just write notes on those on the backs of pages to save paper (and bulk in my notebook) but you can also print several copies of the sheet. 

Next are a couple of super fun activity sheets, stolen from the kids' version, and then a page where you can write down things you want to study more in depth later. On that page there's a spot for you to write down topics, scriptures, people that are mentioned and have piqued your interest. And a spot for you to write questions you have so you can find answers later. I know people suggest that you have a couple of questions and listen for answers to them during Conference, and that's a great way to study, but I always have a lot of questions because of listening to the speakers. That's why I created a box just for them. 

You can print your copy below!

You are welcome (and encouraged!) to print and share these packets with as many people as you'd like. They would make great Visiting Teaching gifts, a Family Home Evening Activity or just to pass out to your family!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

2013 Assignment Reminder Cards

Here they are! Seriously cute cards to remind your kids of their assignment next week! There are cards for Talk, Scripture, Prayer and Reverence Child. There is a color version you can print here, and a black and white version you can print here. I LOVE the color version, but I totally understand the price of printing these each week!

If you have a special request for a different assignment, let me know!

2013 Primary Theme Poster

This is the first poster in a series for the 2013 Primary Theme! I'm so excited to have the new sharing time outline. I love all the monthly themes and all those wonderful songs we'll be learning! Here's a mini-poster for the whole year, (and January's song!)

 You can open and print this file by going here!
I'll be posting one for each month, so look out for those! Plus some super cute Theme-worthy assignment cards for your talks, and scripture- and prayer-givers!