Thursday, September 27, 2012

2013 Assignment Reminder Cards

Here they are! Seriously cute cards to remind your kids of their assignment next week! There are cards for Talk, Scripture, Prayer and Reverence Child. There is a color version you can print here, and a black and white version you can print here. I LOVE the color version, but I totally understand the price of printing these each week!

If you have a special request for a different assignment, let me know!

2013 Primary Theme Poster

This is the first poster in a series for the 2013 Primary Theme! I'm so excited to have the new sharing time outline. I love all the monthly themes and all those wonderful songs we'll be learning! Here's a mini-poster for the whole year, (and January's song!)

 You can open and print this file by going here!
I'll be posting one for each month, so look out for those! Plus some super cute Theme-worthy assignment cards for your talks, and scripture- and prayer-givers!